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Conference Announcement

Lake Michigan Stocking Conference

Status of Chinook Salmon in Lake Michigan

April 9, 2005

8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Lake Michigan College

Benton Harbor, MI


The fisheries management agencies of Lake Michigan and its partners will present a one day conference on the status of Chinook salmon populations and forage in Lake Michigan.  This conference will concentrate on the sport fishery and forage base dynamics since the Chinook salmon stocking reduction was instituted lakewide in 1999. The immediate future of salmon management in the lake will also be discussed.

Hosted by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and
Michigan Sea Grant

Conference room located at the Napier Avenue Campus, main building,
Blue Lecture Hall.  2755 E. Napier Avenue, Benton Harbor, MI.

5$ Pre-registration required through Michigan Sea Grant.
Space is limited.  Lunch will be provided.

For more information please contact:

Michigan Sea Grant @ 616-846-8250

Michigan DNR @ 269-685-6851, ext. 103

Or visit www.michigan.gov/dnr and click on “Fishing”





Lake Michigan Committee

Status of Chinook salmon in Lake Michigan

Lake Michigan College, Napier Avenue Campus

Blue Lecture Hall

April 9, 2005

Eastern Standard Time

Invited speakers and subject titles may change.

8:30-8:45      Opening remarks (Chuck Pistis, Michigan Sea Grant)

8:40-9:00      Stocking decisions, past and future (Bill Horns, Wisconsin DNR and Lake Michigan Committee Chair)

9:00-9:45      The health and status of Chinook salmon (Randy Claramunt and Paul Peeters, Michigan and Wisconsin DNR)

9:45-10:30      Fish health concerns and implications (Dr. Mohamed Faisal, Michigan State University)

10:30-11:00    Break

11:00-11:30   A 30 year history of prey fish dynamics in Lake Michigan (Chuck Madenjian, U. S. Geological   Survey, Great Lakes Science Center)

11:30-12:00   Pelagic prey fish dynamics in Lake Michigan, 2001-2004 (Dave Warner, U. S. Geological Survey, Great Lakes Science Center)

12:00-1:00      Lunch provided

1:00-1:40       A review of lake-wide creel survey results (Dr. Sarah Thayer Michigan DNR).

1:40-2:20       Non-management agency perceptions of the Lake Michigan stocking reduction (Great Lakes Fish Commission Advisors and invited speakers)

2:20-2:50      The Lake Huron perspective – Dr. Tammy Newcomb Michigan DNR

2:50-3:10        Break

3:10-3:55       Searching for a good salmonine stocking policy (Dr. Mike Jones, Michigan State University, Partnership for Ecosystem Research and Management)

3:55-4:15       What does the future hold for our fisheries?  (Jim Dexter, Michigan DNR and Lake Michigan         Committee co-chair)

4:15              Discussion / Q&A session


Registration Form

Registration  u  Status of Chinook Salmon in Lake Michigan  u  April 9, 2005


Name(s):   ___________________________________                   Phone:   ____________________________________

Address:    ___________________________________                  E-mail:   ____________________________________

City:   _______________________________________                  Number of persons attending:   _______________

State:   _______________          Zip:   ______________               Amount Enclosed  $ _______________


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Break Refreshments and Box Lunch will be provided         

Advanced Registration Fee:  $5.00
Advanced Registration Due by April 4, 2005

Late or at the door registration:  $8.00

Space is limited ― please register early.


Make checks payable to:

Ottawa County MSU Extension


Return by mail to:

Ottawa County MSU Extension

ATTN: Chinook Salmon Conference

333 Clinton Street

Grand Haven, MI  49417

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